I now know what it's going to be like coming back into England after being away from 6 months. No matter where you go in the world there is one place where you just feel right. You just know that it's the one place that you can do anything you want and no one will judge you, people will love you for who you are and the sun will always shine. And this place is Ramsay Street.

We did get to meet one "star" in the form of Janelle Timmons. Now most of you probably don't have a clue what I am on about but for those of you that do, the next paragraph should make you chuckle.
"You have the fittest daughter in Neighbours" Pete said. "You mean Janae, right?" replied Mrs Timmons. I won't explain any further but if you tune into BBC1, 5.35 Mon-Fri you'll understand the irony.
Of course, we have been exploring further than cheesy TV soap sets. We even made it to watch a spot of Cricket at the MCG.

One thing we have learned in Australia is that they love to keep things under control. I've been a quite a number of cricket matches in my time and you quickly find the answer to the formular of Men + Beer = Abnocious behavour . Now the last time I checked mexican waves hadn't claimed the lives of many people at English cricket matches, but at the MCG it is "strictly prohibited and anyone caught started one would be ejected from the ground immediately!" Give me a break. But Aussies being Aussies they fought back, started the waves on mass and out came the beach balls. And yes there were messages on the big screen warning spectators about this as well.
Every time one was a projected into the air a mixture of police officers and security guards pounced. You can see the headlines now, "Policeman awarded O.B.E. after stopping renegade beach ball from hitting cricket fan." And o.k, it's nice to see Police about but I maybe think this is taking it a touch too far. We did have the last laugh though, even when the 'beachballbrigade' took away our fun, hundreds pointing and shouting at party pooper in question "You are a Wanker, clap clap clapclapclap!" Brilliant!

I do feel happy here, you never know one day it might be my home but just for the minute, living the easy life traveling with everything I own on my back is kinda cool, even in the 36 degree heat!
We've got two more days in Melbzee, and yes that abbreviations was intentional considering every Australian has rejected proper English and replace it with a bastardized nicknamed version e.g. "Where's the bathroom please?"
"Hang a righty, then a lefty and jump in on the righty and there you go." Now how is that quicker than what we say? Still though, culture comes in many a flavour.
It's the Gold Coast next for NYE so when you're in Tesco's getting the last minute beers, crisps and dip at one in the afternoon spare a thought for two Brit's welcoming in 2008. And check back in the next few days I'll try and get some pictures online.
With love,
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